Mindy Kaling has a new book out WHY NOT ME ? and I have to give her a Big shout out for talking about the truth of looking gorgeous, especially her exposure of how prevalent Hair Extensions are in her industry.
Mindy says, " The real trick to having gorgeous hair is quantity! Piles of thick, cascading My Little Pony - style hair signifies youth."
She goes on to reveal that "everyone uses hair extensions, and I mean everyone. The stenographer who doesn't speak in that judge show you watch. The Long Island Medium. Clooney. EVERYBODY on the Today Show... the entire family getting a new house on Extreme Home Makeover, including the kids. Charlie Rose. The obese woman on My 600 lb Life."
You might remember in my past postings seeing the not so secret tables and tables of hair extensions that is used in those Victoria Secret Runway Shows, in order to achieve supermodel status.
Now you know the WHAT: Hair Extensions ... but here is where I can help you... clip in extensions are only great if you have professional installation and don't need to wear them very long. The reason? Those clips are metal, heavy and can be damaging to your hair and weigh a ton! One full set of clip in extensions has about 20 clips that are dug into your scalp and adding weight to your head in addition to the added hair.
The solution is so simple ... Hair on a wire that takes a minute to put on yourself, with no clips, no glue and no damage to your own hair. They are called Hidden Crown Hair Extensions and they truly are the Easiest Extension Ever!
1. Place them on your Head.
2. Pull your hair over to hide the invisible wire.
3. That's it! The gravity of your own hair holds the extension in place!
You can get yours online at www.hiddencrown.com