Monday, November 5, 2012

Get Rid of double chins in Your Pictures!

If there is one comment I hear most from women about taking photos, it is regarding the dreaded, double chin. Just in time for Thanksgiving and holiday picture taking, the turkey neck is a subject that I can offer you some advice about!

Before giving you the on-camera tips, keep in mind that the biggest cause of double chins is excess body fat and some people just carry fat on their chin more easily than anywhere else. In this case losing weight is your solution. Our muscles can weaken as we age and the skin becomes looser there, but sometimes you're just born with a little more fat around the chin. It's possible you also have a genetic tendency to retain too much water in this area so check out my post about how to de-bloat. 

A previously non-existent double chin can show up on anyone at some time or another in a photo. But if you are breaking out into a sweat, dreading being asked to take a photo because you can't seem to crack the curse, then we need to break it down and look at why this is happening in your photos but not in real life. Caught off guard like this woman on the left, when someone points a camera lens at them, people seemingly drop their heads back into their necks. Self consciously trying to hide extra rolls, this only worsens the effect,  leaving her looking like a turtle. Standing up straight with her shoulders 
back like mom said to, would have been the quick fix for this girl's double!

There are many techniques that will work to make you stop mutating into a ninja turtle if you can just remember to take a breath and put them into play:
  • Make sure the camera is above you, not below eye level. Any photo taken below you will automatically increase a double chin effect as seen here ------------->
  • Lean in a bit forward and look up if you're sitting.
  • Lift your tongue, resting it behind your front teeth. This action will bring your chin up and naturally tighten the muscles of the neck a bit. 
  • Extend your neck out and then bring it down ever so slightly. Your image is to think "swan princess".
  • Hide a real double chin by resting your hands underneath your jaw, or by wearing high collars.
  • Putting your hair up or wearing it short will make your neck look thinner and longer, especially if you play up your eyes.
  • Trick the camera with makeup. Use a darker shade of powder, foundation or bronzer along your jawline and under your chin to make it appear to recede in a photo. Then use a highlighter on the center or tip of your chin to make it pop forward.

Kim K's camera phone twitter pic has another hint hidden in her pose that you can take a lesson from, which is angling her head while jutting her chin forward. Don't forget when you are using a camera phone that you want to make sure you hold it at a slightly higher level than your eyes so you have to raise your head up.

Remember, taking consistently great photos doesn't happen by accident ... they take some practice! 

If you want to learn more about the secrets to taking prettier pictures check out my new book FACE THIS, almost 200 pages full of tips and advice from models, photographers and makeup artists on how to become Picture Perfect! Available on Amazon, Nook, Kindle and iTunes for iPod, iPhone and iPad users.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin DIY Beauty Recipes for Skin, Face and Dieting!

Carving pumpkins this weekend? If you don't want to make pie, why not use the leftovers to look better than ever with these quick and easy do it yourself pumpkin beauty recipes. C'mon give the jack'oLantern a higher purpose!

You know you'll be binging on Halloween candy leftovers so balance your diet AND your weight with this soup recipe from Dr Oz that is only 85 calories and full of carotene to keep your immune system pumped up. It takes less than a minute to make and tastes great! 

Dr. Oz's Pumpkin Purée Side Dish

1 can 100% pumpkin purée 
1 tsp cholesterol-lowering spread 
Pinch of stevia 
Pinch of cinnamon 

Mix all ingredients in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat the mixture in the microwave for about a minute. Let cool and serve.

COOKS NOTE: To roast pumpkin, preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cut whole pumpkin in half and then cut each half into several pieces. Discard seeds or reserve for another use. Place pumpkin on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Roast in oven until tender but not falling apart, about 30 to 40 minutes. Let cool, peel away skin, and dice.

Pumpkin MASKS for Skin and Hair

Pumpkins are also great for your skin because they contain antioxidant vitamins C and E, and zinc which soothes irritated skin. Here are a few recipes that I've tried and modified depending on your skin type to leave it looking better than before - or make your own recipe using these as your base!

Pumpkin Face Mask for Dry Skin and a Great Deep Conditioner to Use on your Hair:
  • 1/3 cup pumpkin (canned or fresh)
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon cream

{Milk or whipping cream is great for dry skin and will help nourish and moisturize.}

For Normal skin:
  • 1/3 cup pumpkin
  • 2 Tablespoons plain yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon honey

{Honey hydrates and is antibacterial. Yogurt contains lactic acid and helps refine pores.}

For Oily skin:
  • 1/3 cup pumpkin
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar or cranberry juice

{Egg whites exfoliate and tighten the skin while the yolk helps moisturize. Apple cider and cranberry contain natural antiseptic properties}

Mix all ingredients together and apply to your face for 20 minutes. Rinse well with cool water.
Shelley GoodStein

TO learn more beauty secrets from Ford model Shelley GoodStein check out her new book Face THIS Real Advice from Real Models on Amazon, Kindle, Nook and iTunes.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Women & Money: Credit Cards Don't Lie

When it comes to money sometimes there is a disconnect between what we know, what we want and what we do. 

Below is my quote for an article published yesterday on Yahoo Shine about women's best money advice:

To read the entire article click {HERE} 

Evaluate your priorities
"Take a look at your credit card statement to see your real priorities ... it will quickly become apparent. 
If you are spending all your extra cash on clothes, entertainment and facials but your desire is to invest in your business, buy a bigger house or give to others, you are losing credibility if only to yourself." Shelley GoodStein, Tucson, Ariz.

{I am thankful to my friend Allison, who reminded me that it actually is an investment in my business to spend money on makeup and clothes! HA ... but always good advice to check in with yourself every once in awhile to be sure!}

This article reminds me about another valuable money lesson that I've learned over the years, which is to never put yourself "on sale" and I am not referring to the Julia Roberts Pretty Woman way! Whatever it is you do, never devalue yourself or settle for less. The minute you do, you create an impression that you are worth less to others and yourself. Put a real value to what you do - sometimes that is not always monetary but when it is, make sure you are respecting your true worth.

Check out my book Face This: Real Advice from Real Models for tips to looking your best that are FREE and EASY!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Get Rid of a Zit or Pimple Fast - Don't Use Toothpaste!

No one is happy to see an uninvited zit show up on their face, especially the day before a photo shoot or a big night out. It's tempting to take drastic measures which often only makes things worse. 

The quickest and most effective way to get rid of a zit fast is to go to your dermatologists office and have it injected with Kenalog, a steroid cortisone shot, but if that is not an option for you here is a model's secret to doing it at home that really works!

The most important goal in getting rid of a zit and saving your face for a photograph is to decrease the redness and make it flatter so that it is easier to cover up. 

First, you will want to shrink it using the strongest percentage of benzoyl peroxide cream you have. Then take the highest percentage of hydrocortisone cream that you can find, usually 10% unless you have a Rx from your doc, and dab it on top of the little monster before you go to bed covering it with one of those little round bandaids so that it maintains it's potency and doesn't rub off on your sheets and pillow. Because cortisone cream is a steroid you only want to use this little trick at most 2 nights in a row or it could thin your skin and possibly stimulate more acne.

You may have heard that toothpaste can dry up a zit overnight but I advise against this. It may help dry out the pimple but the fluoride in the toothpaste could burn your skin, increasing redness and irritation. Years ago toothpaste contained zinc which helps with inflammation (better when it's used as a supplement), but most toothpastes no longer contain zinc so unless you are stranded on a island taping a reality show and toothpaste is all you have ... I would forgo using this on your face.

Visine is also a popular recommendation that can help because it has an anti inflammatory ingredient that can reduce redness but be sure to follow up with some OTC benzoyl peroxide acne cream to git rid of it your blemish.  

Crushed aspirin helps too since it contains salicylic acid, another popular ingredient in acne medications. You can mix it with a bit of water in your hand to form a paste and apply to your skin. This must be uncoated aspirin to work and don't do this if you're allergic to aspirin or have sensitive skin because it may cause irritation.

Another option? Blue light. It's not just a gimmick. You can purchase an at home device that works for just $49. Check out how in my post about how it works {HERE - High Tech Zit Zapper}

Finally, if you must pop a zit please watch this video and advice given from Dr Oz on the best way to go about it.

Shelley GoodStein

To learn more model's secrets to looking your best and taking your best photos check out my new book Face This: Real Advice from Real models ... Available for just $7.99 on Kindle, Nook and iTunes. Also as a paperback from

Monday, October 22, 2012

COVERGIRL Sends You the Book on How to take Better Photos for Free!

A BETTER ENDORSEMENT I COULD NOT HAVE ASKED FOR ... For a limited time COVERGIRL and Olay will send you my book for FREE while supplies last!

LEARN HOW TO BE A COVER GIRL YOURSELF electronically on Kindle, Nook and iTunes for just $7.99 or order a copy of the book at