Sunday, June 12, 2011

Look Better Naked

If you want to look better naked, but haven't got the time to get toned before your next trip to the beach - fake it a little with a sunless tan. Did you know that up to 80% of the wrinkles on our faces are caused by the sun? 

A survey of over 7000 people, conducted by the American Academy of Dermatology, revealed that although a vast majority of people have concerns about skin cancer, 72% of these people admitted they think they look better with a tan. 

The sun's UV rays speed up aging on our skin and show up as wrinkling, freckling, brown spots and changes in skin texture as well as skin cancer. People that live in sun intense areas like Arizona and Florida can see signs of photoaging as early as their 20's. 

The good news is that you can prevent this risk by staying out of the sun and using sunscreen daily, and then go get your Tan ON the safe way   ~SUNLESS.

Friday, June 10, 2011

It's Called Beauty Sleep for a Reason.

Need an excuse to sleep in? Beauty sleep is no myth! Research from a study published in the British Medical Journal showed that people are perceived as more attractive if they get a solid 8 hours of shut eye.

Sleep deprivation is also associated with obesity. A recent study showed that people who only slept 5 ½ hours at night ate 25 percent more calories after dinner than they did when getting a good 8 hours of sleep. When you are sleep deprived, cortisol levels rise. Cortisol often makes us feel hungry and can raise insulin levels, increasing fat deposition around the abdomen. People who are tired also crave more fattening foods and carbohydrates because a lack of sleep increases the release of ghrelin, a hunger hormone. And let’s face it you can’t be snacking if you’re sleeping. When you snooze - you lose, weight that is!

While you’re sleeping your brain and body are still active, deep sleep triggers a release of growth hormones that help build and repair cells and tissues including skin. Once you have lost sleep, it is lost. Not even make-up can hide the beauty depredations of poor sleep.

Rest is regenerative for your skin, your face, your body and your brain. Most of us have experienced a difference in how we feel after a good night’s sleep vs. a poor one. Many studies have shown that you are more alert after a good night’s sleep. Sleep can improve your memory, reduce stress and help reduce mood disorders. With enough sleep you’ll look refreshed, sharp …. AND more beautiful!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Practical Insights - Tricks for Emergencies

Practical would not be a word I would use to describe myself, but one thing a model must always be is prepared! 

1. Keep a pair of cheap knee high stockings around to get those white deodorant stains off your clothing after you pull it over your head. Start at the top of the spot and wipe in a downward motion. 

2. Double stick clothing tape is a must have for those unexpected wardrobe malfunctions. Plunging necklines, peed-a-boo straps, falling hems, and tube tops dresses can all be rescued with these tapes to keep you covered up and your clothing where it belongs. Try Hollywood Fashion tape strips, 36 for $7.50 or Braza's tape roll for less than $6.

3.  Nothing looks tackier when you cross your legs and reveal a price tag on the sole of your shoe.To remove easily, without ruining your nails, get out your blow dryer! Heat up the glue on the label and then it will easily peel off.  Rarely will there be any remaining residue but if there is use WD40 or Goo Gone to clean off completely.  (This tip also works great of stickers used on the glass in picture frames). 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sizzle this Summer!

As a model my summer must-have list will always include a little black dress and a great bikini, but here is a short and sweet list of what I think are some other essentials needed for a fun and fashionable summer!

1. A great coverup. Skin-tight silhouettes are replaced by loose fitting embellished cover ups for 2011. You can add a belt, some great jewelry and go straight to dinner.

Chiffon Coverup by  $44
Coverup by VIX

2. Around since the 14th century, add a touch of Spanish flair in the form of espadrilles!


3. A fedora or straw hat is also a great look for this summer!

4. High heat also means tiny or no straps so it's important to invest in the best fitting strapless bra or try the silicone adhesive reusable ones for backless clothing. And don't forget to make sure you are wearing  sheer undies!


Friday, May 27, 2011

Look Better in Photos!

Sharing a page from Face This, Ch.12 - Shooting Star. 

There is alot of work that goes in to looking your best for a photograph, besides just being beautiful! Summer is here, which translates into weddings, swimsuits and more revealing clothing for the heat.  If your diet has not quite caught up with you yet, there are ways to make yourself look thinner in a photo by the way you pose or position yourself to the lens. You can also hide perceived flaws like a big nose, or close set eyes by how you are placing yourself in front of the camera. 

Face This offers all of this advice and more! It is available on, Nook and iTunes for iBooks. Just click Face This, to  buy all 188 color pages for just $7.99 on Kindle and download a free app to read on your phone, mac, or PC. 

Learn about the tricks and tips of real models, photographers and makeup artists to put you well on your way to becoming Picture Perfect!