If you want to look better naked, but haven't got the time to get toned before your next trip to the beach - fake it a little with a sunless tan. Did you know that up to 80% of the wrinkles on our faces are caused by the sun?
A survey of over 7000 people, conducted by the American Academy of Dermatology, revealed that although a vast majority of people have concerns about skin cancer, 72% of these people admitted they think they look better with a tan.
The sun's UV rays speed up aging on our skin and show up as wrinkling, freckling, brown spots and changes in skin texture as well as skin cancer. People that live in sun intense areas like Arizona and Florida can see signs of photoaging as early as their 20's.
The good news is that you can prevent this risk by staying out of the sun and using sunscreen daily, and then go get your Tan ON the safe way ~SUNLESS.