One of the biggest underground trends for your hair DO is the "no-poo" routine, as in ... no more traditional shampooing.
Thankfully, the newer brands of dry shampoo’s have made the difference in being able to break this habit! A few years ago, I tried a dry shampoo spray from Bumble and Bumble that had a brown tint, and after using it my hands were brown, I had places on my face where the brown spray landed, not to mention brown remnants on my pillow the next morning. I threw it out and never looked back, until now. Every hair company seems to have a dry shampoo out there these days and definitely some are better than others. I happen to love the ones by Ojon and Oscar Blandi, around $20, but I have heard that Batiste for about $7 is a comparable and terrific product. Plus you can try making your own from corn starch for pennies. Check it out {Here}
Etiquette among the NY elite, used to be to go to the beauty parlor every week or so for a wash and set. So the idea of waiting a little longer between shampooing is nothing new. Washing hair every day is actually a little counterintuitive because there is no better conditioner for the ends of your hair than your natural oils, and by washing daily you aren’t allowing the oils time to penetrate down and absorb into the cuticle of each hair, to make them shiny and soft, naturally. Some people believe over-washing can cause your scalp to go into greasy overdrive trying to produce more oil to compensate. Also, the little bit of product build-up in your hair can add more control and volume than if you wash it every day!
My list of why to wait a little longer between shampoos:
1. Healthier hair.
2. Longer lasting color.
3. Volume.
4. It's green!
5. Saves time.
6. Let's me be a little lazy!- Careful, don't skip showering. Put your hair in a ponytail and wrap in a turban, careful not to get it wet if you have a lot of product in your hair or your hair will turn into a gumball!
I have friends with gorgeous hair that swear by this concept and although the dry shampoos of the past had a bad rap, thanks to the newer products, I'm a believer! I recently worked with a 20 year old model who often gets booked because of her gorgeous long thick hair who told me she uses Suave dry shampoo ($3) on her freshly washed locks just for added volume! Another beautiful friend, who likes to skip shampooing daily, suggests using a shot with the blow dryer to add body and sleeping on a silk pillowcase to eliminate bedhead in the morning.
In Sydney, Australia, a radio station issued a 6 week challenge for its listeners to stop shampooing. Emily Rowles, a 21 year old accepted this experiment and shared her final diary entry at week 6, "Well, I thought by now I honestly would have secretly 'snuck a wash' however I'm still just 'watering' my hair and it has never looked (or felt!) better!"
When I skip shampooing, am I supposed to still use conditioner?